eFAST - Internet Banking Solution for Corporate
Banks nowadays with their modern infrastructure and huge customers base are always ready to their users the best product's interface experience.
However, the traditional methods, along with the old way of thinking about product experience, no longer meet customer needs. The fact is that the majority of customers come to financial institutions because of their brands. Therefore, if financial brands provide good user experiences, they are gaining a major competitive advantage in building customer trust.

Market Context
In the digital race, competition among banks along with a bloom of Fintech has put customers in the centre of development strategies. In addition to retail customer, corporate customer also plays an important role and become the target audience in the digital race amongs banks in Vietnam. Coporate customers has their own unique needs. They have not been understood well and provied the service in accordance with their wishes.
Transaction on digital channels, reported in 2019
Revenue from non-credit products and services
Brand Position
VietinBank obtains a number of benefits thanks to its reputation in Vietnam. With a large number of corporate customers in various segments from SME, Corp, FDI to micro, VietinBank needs to take advantage of its opportunity to break through and lead, as well as at the same time, provide customers with unique product experiences.
Brand value that VietinBank achived in 2019
VietinBank eFAST is a digital banking service by Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade - VietinBank - exclusively for businesses, providing services to assist businesses in performing financial transactions and managing all accounts anytime, anywhere via an Internet connection.
Conveniently managing business cash flow with reasonable fee…
Impossible to quickly scan the financial health of the business along with the limit indicators. It is still difficult to use some functions as setting up external back payment, no options like loan repayment.

Flexible and diverse needs of financial products
Permission and management role for accounting apartment
Trade finance - related activities
Limited payroll transaction. No support for bulk account checking. Difficulties with declaring external money transfer by file. Exchange rates and interest rates information has not been updated in real time.
User permission management has not been easy and smooth.
There are still many difficulties in traditional direct trade finance activities, both in terms of document management and document updating.

Needs of bank guarantee from a reputable local bank to support business activities.
Limited payroll transaction. No support for bulk account checking. Difficulties with declaring external money transfer by file. Exchange rates and interest rates information has not been updated in real time.

Corporate customer's needs are quite diverse, making eFAST's functional system complicated and massive. In addition, banking services for corporate customer have not been fully digitized.
eFAST is the main official transaction channel of corporate customers in the future, the channel to attract CASA and reduce the operating costs.
Vietin is in a fierce digital race among Vietnamese banks; and tobe born in this context, eFAST absolutely has abilities to meet the needs of corporate customers.
The Fear of Change
Increase utilities and improve customer experience
Project objectives
VietinBank and Beau Agency defined the this project goal to transform the "static" eFAST - providing services following customer's demand to intelligent "dynamic" eFAST that allows interaction, understanding, and eliciting demand to create perfect user experience for customers
Increase transaction rate on EFAST over 50%
Solve 100% of the needs of corporate customers
Product model

General Structure

Đặc tính
sản phẩm

Giá trị
mang lại

Vị trí của
eFast trong
doanh nghiệp

Project results
After the whole project from researching to design execution, Viettin Bank's eFAST system has been optimized on a neat, organized and beautiful interface for the best customer experience

The look and feel of transaction screen follows the main color palette of the brand, a financial platform specifically for businesses. Transaction information and forms are presented clearly and transparently, making it easy for customers to quickly switch orders and select the necessary information, avoiding confusion or errors in the transaction. Customers now even can proceed up to 5000 transactions with just 1 click and increase transaction processing speed by 10 times compared to the old version (0.02s/transaction).

Transaction Management
The data table has been arranged to various levels to speed up users' information scanning, helping businesses safely and effectively manage transactions anytime, anywhere. Advanced filters are optimized following maker/checker needs to help customers quickly query related transactions by time, status, transaction type, account or search keyword.

Navigation bar optimizes
With eFAST, financial transactions for Corporate customer have never been so easy. The necessary information are navigated and structured according to the perception of each user with different roles and needs. The bar must be prominent and easy-to-see, adding widgets relating to the main content, minimizing unnecessary tasks.

Flexible form system for different types of transactions
eFAST owns a diverse and flexible form system for different transaction needs. Corporate customers can easily select the required action to quickly complete the task.