Card Centre
Vietnam Public Joint-stock Commercial Bank (PVcomBank) was established under the Decision No. 279/GP-NHNN dated September 16, 2013 by the State Bank of Vietnam based on the unification between PetroVietnam Finance Corporation (PVFC) and WesternBank. PVcomBank is gradually affirming its prestige and brand in the financial and monetary market, providing high-quality services, making a difference in service style; at the same time, fulfilling the corporate social responsibility, bringing benefits to the community and adding value to shareholders. The card center design of PVcomBank focuses on developing two types of cards: international credit cards and domestic debit cards with a variety of types, card limits, and incentives.
In this era, advanced technology plays an important role in the banking industry and required high-reaction between users and providers. The question is how to optimize the service to bring the best experience to users. In order to solve this problem, Beau Agency designed PVcomBank Card Centre. We brought the convenient and bespoke experience to PVcomBank's customers by adding new functions which suitable for diverse needs, such as shopping, promotions and expense management.
15.05 - 27.07.2015
Web Design & Development
Application Design